Thursday, March 21, 2013

Nice Read-Through & Tomorrow's Schedule

Great read-through today, everyone. I'm really psyched for us as we begin this fun show. Since many are getting ready to head out for Florida, we're going to make tomorrow's practice a bit shorter and mainly focus on blocking Act 1, Scene 1. Let's meet in the theater at 3:00 and plan to meet until about 4:15 to block that out. Neil has a previous engagement, but the other actors should aim to meet including Newsboy 1, Newsboy 2, Madge Larrabee, Forman, Teresa, Sid, Sherlock, Alice.

If you didn't get a script, I'll scrounge up the extra copies and make some additional ones and place them in the bins on the wall near Mrs. Penn's desk in the faculty office. Please pick up a script so you can learn your lines over break. See many of you after what is hopefully a restful spring break!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Final Cast List

Thanks for your patience, actors, and for your time and dedication already to make this a great show. Again, if I could cast all of the great actors in our show, I would, but unfortunately there are a limited number of roles. If you didn't make the final list, we could really still use your help. A show involves so much more creativity than just the acting, so please help to fuel your creativity in the other aspects of the show. There is a tech meeting tomorrow after school where you can learn more.

Here's the list!

A note to those cast as the Londoners -- our plan is to add some characters and color to the London street scenes. This means that we may add additional lines and interactions there. While I have some ideas for these interactions, begin thinking about the types of characters and actions you could add to make these moments even more interesting and fun. As you can see on our calendar, we'll rehearse these street scenes on Wednesdays. We can talk more about these moments during tomorrow's read-through.

See you all tomorrow!

Guy Roles
Sherlock Holmes: Jack Disselhorst
Dr. Watson: George Wood
Professor Moriarty: Michael Morones
James Larrabee: Neil Pretkelis
Sid Prince: Will Restrepo
Forman: Reilly Branson
Prince Carl: Jason Kovalic
Lestrade/Inspector: Mark Walters
Newsboy 1: Andrew Nuno
Newsboy 2: Adrian Nuno
Gentleman: Aidan O'Connor
London Extras (in street scenes): Rami Halabi, Gustavo Fottas

Girl Roles
Alice Faulkner: Sophie Murk
Madge Larrabee: Julia Reid
Mrs. Bassick: Kathryn Teberg
Lady Edwina: Margaret Schloffner
Teresa: Brittney McHugh
Mrs. Hudson: Jackie MacKay
Joan: Erinn Olszewski
Ginger: Gigi Relic
Pepper: Olivia Jensen
Flower girl: Jordyn Preusker
Gertie: Elaine Bieschke
Match girl: Cecilia Smith
Lady: Rachel Johnson
Maggie: Jasmine Regner
London Extras (in street scenes): Kasey Theil, Emily Fitch, Elizabeth Evan

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Final Cast List Note

Good evening actors. Again, thanks for such a strong performance both during auditions and callbacks. I've talked with the other directors and have gone over our exhaustive notes and, while most roles have become quite clear, I'd like a little more time to discuss some additional notes with the directors. I'll post the list tomorrow as soon as possible and, as promised, will send out a text alert when it is posted.

As the calendar shows, our read through will be this Thursday after school. Looking forward to starting this exciting production with such a great group.

Stay posted!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Real Callback List

Again, great job to everyone who auditioned. In order to help the directors continue to clarify roles, we'd like the following actors to come back tomorrow to perform selections from the script. We'll schedule for our callback session to go from 3:00 - 5:00 in the choir room, but I'd like to ideally finish before then. Thanks so much to everyone for your time and commitment!

  • Adrian Nuno
  • Aidan O'Connor
  • Andrew Nuno
  • George Wood
  • Jack Disselhorst
  • Jason Kovalic
  • Mark Walters
  • Michael Morones
  • Neil Pretkelis
  • Rami Halabi
  • Reilly Branson
  • Will Restrepo

  • Brittney McHugh
  • Cecilia Smith
  • Elaine Bieschke
  • Elizabeth Evan
  • Emily Fitch
  • Erinn Olszewski
  • Gigi Relic
  • Jackie MacKay
  • Jasmine Regner
  • Jordyn Preusker
  • Julia Reid
  • Kasey Theil
  • Kathryn Teberg
  • Margaret Schloffner
  • Olivia Jensen
  • Rachel Johnson
  • Sophie Murk

Callback List News

Great job to everyone who auditioned today! It's always amazing to see the outstanding talent you all have.

I just finished talking with the other directors and have a lot of notes to go through tonight before posting the callback list. However, I also have my responsibility as a father and so, after getting home, I'm going to join my wife and put Makayla to bed :)  Then, I'll go through the notes and post the callback list.

Check back tomorrow morning for the list. I'll also send the list via Celly, so join the text list if you'd like to get the message that way. Callbacks will, ideally, go no later than 5:00.

Thanks again to you all for such great auditions. It's really a pleasure working with such a talented group of people!

Friday, March 15, 2013

PR Sherlock Holmes Text Alerts

Join the PR Sherlock Holmes Text Alerts list to receive alerts about the production calendar and other news via text message. To join, just text @prsherlockholmes to 23559.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Character Descriptions

Good Characters
  1. Sherlock Holmes: Has almost a superpower-like ability to deduce problems; incredibly observant; arrogant; has somewhat of a God complex; consumed with solving puzzles; when horrible things happen, it's an exciting game for him to figure out; at times cold, calculating, and Machiavellian; peculiar and disregards social expectations (at times he has target practice on the walls of his room); carries a massive and bold presence -- like Superman or Batman, but at times prone to unexpected and unintended physical comedy and exuberant outbursts when excited.
  2. Dr. Watson: A medical doctor who likes normalcy, his tea, and the possibility of helping people; excited and intrigued by Sherlock; so much so, that he writes about and publishes their adventures for others to read; the closest thing Sherlock has to a friend
  3. Mrs. Hudson: The landlady of Sherlock Holmes' home -- 221B Baker Street. Despite repeated declarations that she's not Holmes' housekeeper, she still takes care of him in his antics that often distract him from household responsibilities. Sherlock takes it for granted that she makes dinner for him.
  4. Alice Faulkner: A young, beautiful woman and sister to the Prince's previous girlfriend. She initially plans to avenge her sister's death, but eventually falls in love with Sherlock Holmes. She's passionate, confident, willing to face danger, and a little reckless.
  5. Forman: An undercover for Sherlock Holmes who assumes butler work for the Larrabees to spy on them and report back info. Claims to have the ability to produce convincing forgeries, which the Larrabees hope can help them in their plans to trap Holmes.
  6. Teresa: Another one of Holmes' undercover agents working as the Larrabee's maid.
  7. Lestrade/Inspector: By the book police officer who surprisingly helps Holmes in the end.

Evil Characters
  1. Professor Moriarty: Psychopath who enjoys causing chaos and destruction. Brilliant and equally arrogant, but bent on evil. He wants immense power and wealth. Intrigued by Holmes' brilliance and fantisizes working together with him, but decides he must get rid of him.
  2. Madge Larrabee: James' wife. Very much like Madame Thénardier in Les Miserables. Wants to live like the upper crust (with a butler, maid, etc.), but have a lower-class, crook mentality. Tries to act confident, but have no ability to fool Holmes or Moriarty.
  3. James Larrabee: Madge's husband. Very much like Monsieur Thénardie in Les Miserables. Wants to live like the upper crust (with a butler, maid, etc.), but have a lower-class, crook mentality. Despite trying to act confident, he's a bit oafish and unintelligent.
  4. Sid Prince: A classic crook and thief with a special talent at cracking locks. Thick Cockney accent, gloves with fingers cut off, etc. Works with Moriarty and stupidly brings the Larrabees to his lair without his consent.
  5. Joan: Moriarty's aid/secretary. Cold, calculating, down to business. Attracted to Moriarty's power and intelligence.
  6. Gertie: Hag-like crook who is an arsonist and bomb expert.
  7. Mrs. Bassick: Head of the street thieves (Ginger, Pepper, Matchgirl, and Flower woman) who has her women act as street sellers and suffragettes to distract pedestrians so that they can pick their pockets. She's strong and demanding and the older one of the bunch.
  8. Ginger: one of the crooks that plays a suffragette and helps out with other criminal activities
  9. Pepper: one of the crooks that plays a suffragette and helps out with other criminal activities
  10. Matchgirl: one of the crooks that plays a street seller and helps out with other criminal activities
  11. Flower woman: one of the crooks that plays a street seller and helps out with other criminal activities

Additional Characters
  1. Lady Edwina: Upper crust relative of Prince Carl; a bit over the top; concerned for the Prince
  2. Prince Carl: Prince of Bohemia who will soon be married, but had a previous relationship with Alice Faulkner's sister and desperately wants his love letters to her back to avoid getting blackmailed
  3. Gentleman: Gentleman who is accosted by street sellers and pick pocketed
  4. Elegant Lady: Lady who is accosted by street sellers and pick pocketed
  5. Newsboy One: Newspaper seller who competes with newsboy two in newspaper sales
  6. Newsboy Two: Newspaper seller who competes with newsboy one in newspaper sales
  7. Maggie Baskerville: Frantic woman who seeks Holmes' help at the end of the play
  8. Other Londoners and Singer(s): Help to fill in during transitional scenes

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Some Instructional and Fun YouTube Links

Working on your British accent? Want to see some clips of other versions of Sherlock Holmes? Enjoy the links below:

Cockney and British Accents

Clips from BBC's Series Sherlock

Clips from CBS's Series Elementary

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Audition monologue sites

Check out some of these sites for some audition monologues:

Any other good sites that you’ve found? If so, feel free to share it with others via the comments section below.

Download audition and tech forms

Want to be a part of our upcoming production? Download the forms, fill them out, and get them to Mr. Kennett by auditions (if you’re auditioning for an acting role) or by Wednesday, March 20th if you’d like to help with our crew. Thanks!

Read the script!

Get to know more about our show by reading the script available via the link below.
  • Script (you must then log in with your D155 Google account to view the document)